How To Clean Stroller Wheels

Strollers are a terrific way to keep moving around with your child, but the more you use one, the faster the wheels will accumulate mud.

We advise routine wheel cleaning, so your stroller is always prepared to go. You may simplify your life using this tutorial to clean the stroller’s wheels!

Kids are, as we all know, messy. They eat off the ground, put their hands and feet in their mouths, and track mud all around. How do you keep your mind sane?

Cleaning stroller wheels often is one strategy for staying one step ahead of the game. You may make your life easy by learning how to clean stroller wheels from this post!

Cleaning Stroller Wheels

Wheeled strollers typically have stains on the pavement, sidewalks, and other surfaces they use. Below are a few methods for fully cleaning them:

Get Your Stroller Set Up On A Table

Place your stroller on a table to start, then take off the top sections.

After that, thoroughly clean each wheel one at a time while using soap and a soft cloth. As you carefully pass over each tire, sweep up dirt from various angles. Before continuing, make sure they are thoroughly dry.

Damaged stroller wheel cleaning

Be cautious not to pick them up too quickly since they might get damaged if you don’t clean your wheels properly.

Make careful you use a soft cloth to clean your wheels. The quantity of filth on your wheel will decide the best cleaning method. Just use ordinary detergent if it’s not as dirty as usual.

You’ll see that the wheel of your stroller is separated into three or four sections if you look at it. There will be filth and bacteria in every nook and cranny of the wheel.

To clean them, we advise using warm water and detergent. You can gently push over the soiled area to wipe away any germs that may still be present. After, don’t forget to give the wheel some time to dry off.

Cleaning the top wheels

While some strollers have four wheels, most have only three. The front or top wheel will then need to be removed and cleaned like the back wheels. Typically, the top wheel is dirtier since it faces forward. To wash your top wheel, use a brush or an old cloth.

How to Clean a Stroller Thoroughly

Strollers must be regularly cleaned because they are frequently used to store all of your children’s stuff and occasionally unwind.

Depending on usage, you should wash your stroller at least once every several months. Additionally, it’s crucial to clean after using strong chemicals like bleach since, if left unattended, they can ruin your stroller’s fabric or other components, in addition to endangering children and animals.

Ensure there is nothing within your stroller before using a hard-surface cleaning brush. Before commencing the cleaning using soap and water, detach the wheels and tray.

How Should a Stroller Wheel Be Greased?

Remove the tires and wheels from your stroller first. After that, lubricate all of the wheels lightly with an old cloth.

Remember to place something under the exterior before applying lubricant for your safety to prevent stains on nearby furniture or other surfaces! For optimal performance, remove your wheels and tighten them down.

Which Method Is Best For Cleaning Sand From Stroller Wheels?

Clean the wheels of your stroller

Sand might be challenging to get out of the spaces between the wheels of your stroller, but it just requires a little elbow grease and persistence. Spray them down with water before you begin, and then use an old cloth to remove as much sand as possible.

Make sure they are completely dry before trying again because any residual water will take longer in the removal process! Wearing gloves while doing this procedure with an old rag helps prevent oils from your hands from leaving further stains on the tire after the sand particles have been removed.

Cleaning The Wheels

Next, lay two pieces of cardboard (or anything else of nearly the same size) beneath each tire where debris is still present. It can help you from damaging your stroller by preventing sand from spreading as you clean.

Use a clean toothbrush or an old, non-fluffy cloth to scrape away any filth that may still be present. Although it can seem like a simple chore, using as much elbow grease as possible is necessary for this strategy to succeed.

Scrub as frequently as required to eliminate all the sand and grime.

Get Your Wheels Shiny

It’s time to shine the wheels once they’ve been cleaned.

A clean, old rag or paper towel should soak in water containing two to three drops of dish soap. Gently wring out the cloth to avoid applying too much stress to the wheel’s surface. Cleanse all surfaces by scrubbing away any last bits of filth until they sparkle once more.

Get Your Wheels Lubricated

Finally, to prevent future damage from moisture contact, such as rust, re-lubricate your stroller wheels with silicone spray before utilizing it again. Lubricating your wheels after each user is a smart practice, especially if you use your stroller regularly. You might need to occasionally grease your stroller’s wheels, depending on how frequently it is used. Moisturize your wheels before each use to save time.

Deep Cleaning a Stroller

While we frequently see our strollers as places where we keep the kids’ belongings and occasionally unwind, they require routine deep cleaning.

It’s up to you how frequently you clean your stroller, but for most people, it should be at least once every few months (depending on use). It’s also crucial to take precautions if you use harsh chemicals like bleach, which not only endanger children and animals but also have the potential to ruin the fabric or other components of the frame if not handled properly.

Therefore, ensure there is nothing inside before beginning this intense cleaning! Before cleaning with soap and water, detach the tray and take away the wheels. You’ll need a plastic scraper and a pail to dispose of the old filth easily.

Your baby stroller wheels will most likely get the dirtiest because they are regularly in contact with the ground.

The wheels of your stroller will inevitably become dirty as you use it, so you shouldn’t worry too much about maintaining them in pristine shape. However, you should inspect them from time to time since if they are too muddy, it may be difficult to manage your stroller. Additionally, small stones or pieces of glass can become embedded in the wheels, so it’s important to watch out for those as well.

Clean the wheels of your stroller by dipping your brush into a solution of warm water and dishwashing liquid. Firmly scrub the wheels to remove the dirt accumulation. Pour hot water on any particularly tenacious markings first.


Spend time cleaning the wheels regularly to keep your stroller in top condition! It doesn’t take long and will guarantee that your stroller is constantly prepared. Depending on how frequently the stroller is used, some parents or caregivers may need to oil the wheels after each usage (especially if used outdoors). Lubricating your wheels before each usage is the quickest way to speed up this process.


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