3 Wheel Vs 4 Wheel Stroller : Which One Is Right for You?

Going out in the fresh air and having a change of scenery feels great for the parents of little ones. It feels really good to take your newborn out in the yard, on a stroll, to a neighborhood park but traveling with babies is usually not easy and could be a little tricky task with toddlers. You can still have a great companion, yes! A durable and easy-to-use travel stroller may be all you need. But which stroller is the most suitable for your little ones, a three-wheeler or a four-wheeler?

With so many brands available and a variety of strollers, you may find yourself struggling to make the right choice for your baby and what’s even more perplexing is to understand the difference between three and four-wheel strollers. Usually, there is no right or wrong when it comes to the configuration but the one that fits best your lifestyle.

Here we have touched on some details about three-wheeler and four-wheeler strollers including their pros and cons that will help you understand better and make your shopping easier.




The key design feature of a three-wheel stroller is that they are suitable mostly for all kinds of terrains. Designed to tackle all kinds of surfaces including smooth roads, sandy beaches, grass, gravel, or even hilly outdoors they are superb for off-road ventures which means adventurous parents need not worry at all. The wheels are usually made of rubber and air-filled to ensure smooth strolling, with better suspension they protect what’s inside from bumps and absorb the effect on uneven surfaces.


The three-wheel stroller has 2 wheels at the back and one at the front that allows easy and flexible movement through all kinds of spaces. This means maneuvering through sharp, edgy corners or making way on overcrowded pavements is no issue and that’s why jogging strollers and all-terrain models have three-wheels and with their excellent swerving ability there are no mishaps in hurry or emergencies.


Strollers with three wheels are generally easy to push. The steering is also easy to control and you can even push it with one hand. To ensure smooth maneuvering make sure it has a swivel front wheel and it’s not permanently fixed.



Three-wheel strollers tend to be heavier than four-wheelers. That’s because they are designed to withstand all kinds of uneven surfaces and terrains. It could be difficult and challenging for new parents, especially moms to carry and lift it into the car.


Another downside to three-wheel strollers is their bulkiness. Although most brands nowadays design their models in a way that allows you to remove the front wheel for compact storage which helps to some degree, however, it could be an additional task whenever you go outside.


Three-wheel strollers are often more pricey when compared to four-wheelers and also limited in variety in terms of models.




There is no denying the fact that four-wheel strollers are more stable than three-wheelers. That doesn’t mean that three-wheelers lack stability but their seats are quite low to the ground which increases the chances of tipping over as the child grows. With a four-wheeler, there are almost no chances of tipping even if the child gets heavier with time, due to evenly distributed weight.

Four-wheel and umbrella strollers usually weigh less than 20 lbs which means carrying them is a relatively easier task.


Four-wheelers are much lighter to carry, pack and store as compared to the three-wheelers. The new models offer a variety of super compact strollers that can be folded with one hand in seconds and take up very less space in your luggage and car trunks which makes it an ideal choice for traveling parents.

You will also find out that some amazing features e.g. storage baskets, cup holders, and canopy extensions are more likely to be included with four-wheelers.


If you are looking for something within your budget, Four-wheelers are your go-to product. There are hundreds of brands offering an extensive range that fits your requirements and budget without compromising on quality. And with plenty of options, it is also easy to find an economical alternative offering similar functions.



The biggest drawback of a four-wheel stroller is its maneuverability. They are not easy to push with one hand and having a turning circle larger than the three-wheeler you are more likely to find yourself challenged with sharp corners and crowded places.


Four-wheel strollers are more likely to be suitable for urban life and strolling on flat and even surfaces. They are not designed for terrains or uneven surfaces. While jogging or running in parks with your baby keep the stroller away from paved walkways and trails.

A four-wheeler is more likely to jostle your baby on uneven and paved surfaces as they don’t have the suspension and wheel type advantages of three-wheelers.


Apart from the three vs. four-wheel debate, there are some essential aspects that you should keep in mind before buying any stroller i.e. your lifestyle, how frequently you travel, the safety of your baby, budget, comfort, and aftercare to ensure a hassle-free strolling for a long period.

No matter which one you choose, both will have their pros and cons.

A three-wheeler is a great choice for adventurous parents. Suitable for all surface types (hiking, snow, hilly terrains), jogging, and running. Your baby will be comfortably snuggled in their buggy enjoying a smooth ride. The major downside is being pricey and lack of versatility in terms of choice.

A four-wheeler offers stability, a wide range of selections to choose from is easy to fold and carry, perfectly suitable for busy urban life (malls, streets, parks).  So keep your baby’s requirements and lifestyle in mind and choose accordingly.

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